Thursday, December 9, 2010

Message from Minho SHINee

Yesterday, Minho SHINee birthday and he sent a message to all his fans ... 
[From. Min Ho] 안녕하세요~ 민호 입니다.^^
안녕하세요~ SHINee의 불꽃카리스마 민호입니다!
데뷔 때부터 함께해온 여러분….
제가 벌써 20번째 생일을 맞이했습니다~
휴…… 시간 참 빠르죠? ^^
2년 반이란 기간 동안 여러분 덕분에
잊지 못할 경험과 많은 추억을 만들었어요~
너무 감사하고~ 또 감사해요~
이번에는 생일파티를 함께하지 못해서 너무 아쉽지만,
그래도 우린 오늘 시상식에서 만나잖아요~
여러분과 함께하는 첫 콘서트도 열심히 준비하고 있고,
더 좋은 활동 많이 해서~ 우리 앞으로….
더 기쁘고 좋은 일만 가득하게 만들어요~^^
고마워요~ 항상…
오늘은 생일이니~ 4장~! ㅋㅋ

Hello ~ It's Flaming Charisma, Minho SHINee!Everything I have been together since their debut ...Birthday present I-20 ~Sigh ... time went by you? ^ ^I have many experiences and memories that can not be forgotten during the last two and a half years because of you.Thanks a lot ~ and again ~I'm sad we can not celebrate together, but we will meet each other at an award ceremony today ~I also did a very good preparation for the first concert later.I also have done the best when promotion from now ~ ^ ^And now we must ... we must believe that happiness and good things are ours ~ ^ ^Thank you ~ always ...Because this is my birthday ~ 4 picture! keke

Credits: weareshining
Translations: imsyshinee