Thursday, December 9, 2010

Choi Jinhyuk on his Relationship with Donghae

Choi Jinhyuk and Donghae Super Junior turns out to have similarities, first, they are both from Mokpo, second, they graduated from the same junior high school. And third, they are both playing at It's Okay, Daddy's Daughter, as a brother. And because of the similarities, they are now closer to the quick.
When asked, who the actor closest to him, Choi Donghae Jinhyuk answer. He said he and Donghae often met personally, Donghae Donghae called him to meet before the concert abroad. She said again, he and Donghae prefer to talk over dinner, rather than drinking. On TV, Donghae easy laugh and joke a lot, but in private, Choi Jinhyuk revealed that Donghae is a serious person. Even when Jinhyuk criticize a certain thing, he accepted constructive.
Jinhyuk was pleased with the performance of Donghae. Donghae really have a good performance because she was relaxed and natural acting, although this is the first time he's acting. Jinhyuk Choi said, Since the first time on camera, he was not afraid. But, he's just confused what to do ... ... Donghae hicks wkwkwk clay elfishy camera ... * * Said he slapped himself seemed nervous, but Donghae was not nervous at all.
Donghae Jinhyuk praise by saying, "I'm more like a shy person, and Donghae more daring. He's articulate and he has good relationships with others.
Source: Newsen