Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ki Bum 'U-Kiss': "I will always love U-Kiss & Kiss Me"

On 23 February Kibum 'U-Kiss' update his Cyworld and the contents of he and U-Kiss and about his fans!

In my trip to the company this morning, I received a call from my friend. I was surprised and looked through the internet for 5 hours.

     Many articles are written and many people who entertain me. Through the comments of fans and others, I saw many pictures and videos full of memories.

     Something that can not be helped, can not help. Looking back on everything, I could not help and makes me disappointed ..

     I will work hard to show a good image, either in my broadcasting activities or Piro-Piro. I work very hard because I want to do well ^_^.. Kiss Me I love you .. And for the member U-Kiss members, I still love you as before, really ..

     Thank you for reading my whining ...
