Monday, January 3, 2011

SHINee: "Thank's sunbae TVXQ, SNSD and Super Junior"

At a press conference today SHINee 2nd concert held at the Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium, SHINee said, "Yesterday (January 1), sunbae TVXQ, SNSD and Super Junior coming to the concert to support us, we hope to show a great show for fans . After the concert finished, brands also provide input from our performances have improved and enhanced. It makes us stronger being on stage. "

Key also said, "After so guests at the concert TVXQ and SNSD, I always thought how cool if we held a concert for our own. Sunbae we were told we kaalu white will stand on our own stage, so let us make them a role model for our future. "

Source: [baidutvxq]