Friday, January 7, 2011

Minho & Onew support first TVXQ comeback

Minho :[민호] 여러분~ 우리 동방신기형들 첫방송 보셨어요? 진짜 감동적이었는데… 언제나 항상 노력하는 모습의동방신기 윤호형~ 창민이형! 정말 다시봐도 멋있고 너무 대단하신 것 같아요. 형들처럼 저도 더욱 더 노력하고 열심히할테니 지켜봐주시고, 우리 같이 응원해요!^^

Translate :
Minho: Everything Has TVXQ hyungs first comeback watch today? Very touching ... At any time, they always show that they are hard workers, TVXQ Yunho hyung ~! Changmin hyung! Really, even when watching anymore, they're really cool and amazing. As hyungs, I will work harder and more trying. Please anticipate them, and let's cheer for them together! ^ ^

Onew :[온유] 역시 ‘동방신기’ 에요!!! 한 번도 실망 시키지 않는 사랑하는 우리 유노형~창민이형!!! 이제 시작인것 아시죠~~^^?오늘 첫 방송으로 앞으로 모두들 동방신기형들의 발걸음에 주목해주세요!!!아자자자자자자자자자자잣!!!!!!!!!!!파이팅!!!!!!!!!!

Translate :
Onew: It's really "TVXQ"! Never let us down, our beloved Yunho hyung hyung ~ Changminnie! It has just started, you all know ~ ~ ^ ^? Today is their first comeback. Now let's give our support for TVXQ hyung with clenched hands (in air)! Ajajajajajajaja !!!!!! Hwaiting !!!!!!
CRE: weareshining