Former member U-Kiss, Kim Kibum recently told his feelings to leave the group.He also said if his jumbled because of this news. "I'm so sad to think my fans.He said he did not do it because his own desire to focus on your business but because Piro Piro asked by the agency. And he also said his business will not interfere with activities of U-Kiss, and he did more major events of any U-Kiss Kibum grateful to the fans and promised he'll be a talented person as well as a successful businessman
"I do not intend to come out, but those who decided my contract." When asked Newsen via telephone. "The agency first said to us that they will replace two members. They asked me to sign the termination agreement, so yes I do. "
Kibum also wrote a tweet about this condition, "안녕 하세요 유키스 기범, 아니 정확히 는 유키 스 로 활동 했던 김기범 입니다 / Hi, I Kibum U-Kiss, oh no, I'm a former Kibum U-Kiss."
" 가족 같이 아니 그 이상 으로 멤버 들을 생각해왔 습니다 이렇게 헤어지게 된것 이 정말 섭섭한 마음 이지만 제가 모자란 부분 이 많아 유키 스 에 교체 가 필요할 것이라는 전 소속사 의 의견 또한 존중 하는 바입니다 / I regard as my family members .. no one else ... I am sad to say goodbye to them in this way, but I respect the decision of the agency to take my place with someone who's better. "
Meanwhile, Alexander said, "I did leave the U-Kiss. But, not because of reasons such as school my agency said. " NH Media plans to replace them with 2 new members who are stronger vocals to bring a change in U-Kiss.Source: Newsen + @ 90KKB
Via allkpop