Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Park JungMin Hold Fansigning for Release His Phobook

SS501's Park JungMin Fansigning held to celebrate the release of Japanese photobook, "Present. Agency's Park JungMin, CNR Media, said, "Park JungMin fan signing event held for the" Present "on 21 at 17.00 in Shinjuku, Tokyo. From 13:00 hrs, 400 fans had gathered to see the Park JungMin, and they have ordered photobook through the Internet. Were 15,000 copies have been sold out the first photobook, "

Park JungMin also photographed with fellow Japanese celebrities, such as Ryoko Hirosue and Aoi Miyazaki. JungMin Park will also hold fan meetings in Osaka and Tokyo, respectively on 22 and 23.

Source: JoongAng via Nate
via : allkpop