Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eunhyuk’s First Kiss Happened In Elementary School!

Leeteuk inform the public about his first kiss Eunhyuk.
He said, first kiss happened when Eunhyuk Elementary School!
On the show "Super Junior Foresight" which aired on 22 yesterday, they were invited, "Emperor of Live", Lee Sunghwan, and here, he plays the famous song.

Leeteuk love the song Lee Seunghwan one of which is "Only", he said at the time he was in junior high schools, all he thought about love, he always listened to the song Lee Sunghwan. And Leeteuk know the meaning of true love because the girl he liked at that time.

Eunhyuk then asked, "is not your first love too fast Hyung?"
And then, this is where Leeteuk said, she said, "Would not your first kiss happened in Primary Schools?" and the audience laughed at this Leeteuk recognition.
Source From SJ Baidu
Translation By (L) @ SJ-WORLD.NET