Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chronology of 'War' North Korea - South Korea

Seoul - North Korean artillery attack into South Korea makes the atmosphere in the region was suddenly tense. Provocation from North Korea really unexpected.
So far, neither side in the South are expected to get a barrage of artillery shells. As reported by Reuters on Tuesday (23/11/2010), was initiated by the North's provocation.
At around 15:00 Korean time, or 13:00 pm, North Korea abruptly fired artillery toward Yeonpyeong Island. Not long later, witnesses saw the buildings on the island suffered a bombardment.
The fire then burned directly. Witnesses said the house at 60-70 Yeonpyeong artillery fire in the attack.
About 10 minutes later, South Korean artillery hit back immediately. The two sides have a reciprocal bombardments. Meanwhile, witnesses said residents evacuated Yeonpyeong into the bunker.
North Korea's artillery was crippling electricity on the island of Yeonpyeong, two people were reported injured. Smoke began billowing from the houses high-citizens. South Korea's military declared a high alert status.
The more extensive fires on the island of Yeonpyeong. Some houses collapsed after severe burns. South Korean fighter jets were flown directly to the location. Estimated to have about 200 artillery shells hit the island.
South Korean government immediately held a sudden meeting. They said it would take stern measures if North Korea continued provocation. But South Korean President Lee Myung-bak called for efforts to curb action shooting each other.
An hour passed, or about 16.00 when Korea, the Korea called for cessation of bombardment mutual action. Mulau Yeonpyeong Island Residents were evacuated to other islands by boat fishermen.
War bombardment stopped. South Korean military announced a soldier were killed, 13 injured including 3 people were seriously injured.
cr: detiknews.com